Design of Temperature-Controlled PWM Boost Converter Circuit
Design of Temperature-Controlled PWM Boost Converter Circuit - Temperature controlled pulse-width-modulator (PWM) boost converter circuit diagram is s

Design of Temperature-Controlled PWM Boost Converter Circuit - Temperature controlled pulse-width-modulator (PWM) boost converter circuit diagram is shown in the following figure. The boost converter may provide temperature-controlled operation of 12V fan from +5V supply.
The circuit system shown that it was designed for an enclosure containing circuitry with power dissipation that varied from 5W to 30W.
As seen in the diagram, it used single chip BiCMOS PWM controller for closed loop PWM power supply control (Unitrode UCC2805). To use this circuit with a load requiring a higher operating current, it’s necessary to change the values of C1 and L1.
Read details about the Design of Temperature Controlled PWM Boost Converter Circuit in the following application datasheet of pdf filetype (source:
Tags: pwm controller, temperature-controlled circuit, boost converter circuit,