Dual Voltage Power Supply Circuit Diagram by Tony Van Roon

Dual Voltage Power Supply Circuit Diagram by Tony Van Roon - The following circuit diagram is the dual volt power supply to power the op amps which is

Dual Voltage Power Supply Circuit

Dual Voltage Power Supply Circuit Diagram by Tony Van Roon
- The following circuit diagram is the dual volt power supply to power the op amps which is made by respective owner of Tony Van Roon.

It uses the 7812 and 7912 voltage regulator IC. And herein are the value of this Dual Voltage Power Supply Circuit Diagram :

1. Transformer—————–18CT, 1A

2. Capasitors——————-35V

3. Bridge Rectifier————-100V, 2A

4. C3, C4————————-Ceramic, 50V

You might lower the capacitor from 220uF to 100uF accordingly if you need.

Tags: 7812 regulator, Dual Voltage,

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