IR2110 Sine Wave on Zero Volts using H-Bridge MOSFET Drivers
IR2110 Sine Wave on Zero Volts using H-Bridge MOSFET Drivers - The use of MOSFETs which is arranged in an H-Bridge may generate a sine wave centered o
IR2110 Sine Wave on Zero Volts using H-Bridge MOSFET Drivers - The use of MOSFETs which is arranged in an H-Bridge may generate a sine wave centered on 0 Volts with positive and negative voltage on the loads and IR2110 high speed power MOSFET IC can make such this configuration.
In that circuit schematic, in order to hind power loss and use higher switching speeds, NChannel MOSFETs were chosen as switches in the bridge. Level translation between PWM signals and voltages required to forward bias high side NChannel
A diagram of the HBridge circuit with IR2110 MOSFETS driver integrated circuit can be seen in the above circuit diagram (click to enlarge).
Tags: HBridge circuit, IR2110 sine wave, sine wave centered, power MOSFET IC, IR2110 datasheet, Sine Wave circuit diagram, NChannel MOSFETS,